1. Introduction
Welcome to Cloud9World, an engaging eLearning platform designed to enrich the educational experience for students within the organization (e.g., School District). By accessing and utilizing Cloud9World, educators, students, and staff of the organization (e.g., School District) agree to these Terms of Use.
2. User Accounts and School District Responsibilities
Educators and staff are required to create accounts with accurate and complete information to access Cloud9World's features.
The school district is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of all accounts created under its jurisdiction.
The organization (e.g., School District) agrees to monitor and regulate the use of Cloud9World within its schools to ensure compliance with these Terms and applicable laws.
3. Use of Content and Copyright
Cloud9World's content, including texts, graphics, videos, and interactive materials, is protected by copyright and is the property of Cloud9World or its licensors.
The content is provided for educational purposes within the organization (e.g., School District) and is not to be used for any commercial purposes. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of the content is prohibited.
4. Conduct and Usage in Educational Settings
Cloud9World should be used in a manner that is respectful, ethical, and conducive to an educational environment.
Any form of harassment, bullying, or inappropriate use of the platform by students or staff will not be tolerated.
5. Privacy and Data Protection in Schools
Cloud9World is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of students and staff. Our Privacy Policy aligns with relevant educational laws and regulations. The school district agrees to inform students and parents about the data collection and usage policies of Cloud9World.
6. Limitation of Liability
Subject to any express written agreement between you and C9W to the contrary and to the fullest extent permitted by law:
Cloud9World is provided "as is" and, to the extent permitted by law, without warranties. The platform is not liable for any indirect damages arising from its use within the organization (e.g., School District).
7. Changes to Terms
Cloud9World reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use. The organization (e.g., School District) will be notified of significant changes, and continued use of the platform will constitute acceptance of the new terms.
8. Governing Law
The relevant state and federal laws govern these Terms of Use and are subject to the jurisdiction of its courts.
9. Student Privacy and Data Collection
Cloud9World is committed to the privacy and safety of students. We do not collect any private information from students whatsoever.
All student rostering and data management must be conducted through a third-party system approved by the organization (e.g., School District). Cloud9World does not directly handle or store any personal student data.
Terms of Use
Effective Date: January 1, 2024
This website, including its sub-domains (Website) is owned and operated by Cloud9World (C9W). By choosing to access the Website or download materials from it, you agree to the following Terms of Use and the terms of C9W’s Privacy Policy. If you do not accept these Terms of Use and the terms of C9W’s Privacy Policy, you must not access the Website or download materials from it.
Parts of the Website may have specific terms and conditions of use that apply in addition to these Terms of Use, and by accessing those parts of the Website, you also agree to those additional terms and conditions of use.